
CASTLE HILL (THE BRONX) NYC: The mother of 16-year-old Jezlieanne Colon, who’s been attending an all-girl Manhattan prep school on scholarship, was frantic to find the girl, after the teen left home.
The teens cell phone last pinged by the No. 6 train station in the Castle Hill area of the Bronx, where the family lives.
During the first year of the pandemic, Jezlieanne did her studies remotely at home.
But her mother, Kimberly Varela, told the police that when her daughter started attending classes in person again, some problems cropped up.
She said her daughter was adapting to new classmates in a different neighborhood on the Upper East Side.
The mother reports that part of her daughter’s troubles stemmed from the fact that she was the “only dark-skinned girl in the school.”
Colon has a twin brother who said he saw his sister bolt out the door at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Castle Hill neighborhood where the family lives. She also has a younger sister.
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Cloudy , with a high of 48 and low of 36 degrees. Clear during the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, partly cloudy for the evening, mist overnight.