
SAFE TO DANCE: Although proof of vaccine is no longer needed to dance this year, officials are encouraging students in attendance to wear a mask.
The decision to drop the requirement for students was made in consultation with the city's health department, Adams and Chancellor David Banks said.
This follows a prior change to policy that similarly lifted the vaccine requirement for students attending graduation.
However, guests attending the end-of-year ceremony will still be required to be vaccinated to enter school buildings.
The COVID-19 transmission rate in New York City is up 20% in the last week and nearly 90% in the last month, to the same levels as late January.
The city recently raised its alert level to "medium" and Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan has told reporters that all options could be on the table -- including the return of a mask mandate -- if things continue getting worse.
Cloudy , with a high of 48 and low of 36 degrees. Clear during the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, partly cloudy for the evening, mist overnight.