
PARADE ROUTE: Brooklyn’s 155th Memorial Day Parade steps off promptly at 11:00AM on 3rd Ave. & 78th Street, proceeds down 3rd Ave. to Marine Ave. up to 4th Ave. and over to John Paul Jones Park for our memorial service that includes Bag Pipes, Flag Raising, Wreath Laying by Veteran Service Organizations, a 21-gun Salute by the Veteran Corps of Artillery and the playing of Taps.
Margo & John Catsimatidis
Red Apple Group
Coffey-Wilson Post 688 American Legion
District Council of Carpenters
Veterans Committee New York City Council
Freakin’ Sound
NYC Department of Youth & Community Development
Local 361 International
Brotherhood of Ironworkers
Clavin Funeral Home
Michael E. Clavin American Legion Post 1408
Vietnam Veterans of America
Thomas Coughlin Chapter 72
United Brotherhood of Carpentes & Joiners Local 926
Local 14-14B Operating Engineers
Borough President Antonio Reynoso
Michael A. Rawley Post 1636 American Legion
United War Veterans Council of New York
Amity Post 791 American Legion
United Military Veterans of Kings County, Inc. Memorial Day Parade Committee
3rd Ave. And 78th Street
Brooklyn (NYC), NY 11209
United States